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Friday 4 November 2016


I've been doing a lot of it.  Apparently its an Aussie thing to call it whipper snipping and it amuses other people.  Brush cutting is what I am really doing since my tool is a bit stronger than the average line strimmer.  Anyway, I've done a lot of it this week, then some of this to recover: Sitting in my folding chair while the dogs pant and recover from all the mousing madness they do while I am busy.  

I was lucky enough to find this when I was under a tree whipper snipping on Wednesday.

It's a tiny nest, the size of my palm, so neatly hidden away, though considering it was only waist-high on me, I do wonder if they managed to safely raise their brood in it!

These pretty blue flowers are coming up in the paddock, patches of colour in what is already mostly dry brown grass.   I'd look them up in my naive plant book but mum currently has it. 

Another day of whipper snipping, another recovery time in the shade!

I need the recovery time. Just been told by the doc that my ferritin and hemoglobin is stupidly low.  Don't know how I'm still walking around.  If you know a Lymie, don't go assuming that they are weak.  I may currently have nothing but pink water in my veins, but I still feel better than I did in the bad old lyme days!

Fingers crossed I can tolerate the iron supp I am trying out of desperation.  It is so hard when you react to every damned thing.

Guess who was waiting for us when we came back from the block?  Can you see him under the tree there?  Cyrano is not one of those aloof cats.  He is weird, sure, they all are, but he also loves his people and misses us when we go out.      

 Speaking of aloof, I had to get a photo of this rare event.  Tuppy snuggling!

We currently have our old mattress on the floor while we try out a new one, and the dogs think it is great. 

So does the cat.  He reckons every floor should be a nice big squishy bed for cats!

The other thing I did this week was finish painting the new frame Andrew made for this dragon I did for my sis, Jen, many years ago.     

I still have a kangaroo hide lanyard to make, and have volunteered to do a design for the local fire and rescue cadets for their new t-shirts.  Bored?  Me?  Never!

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